Hi, I’m Didi.

There are many identities and labels that I‘ve adopted and I experience.

I am a mother, a human lover, a good friend, an educator, a teacher, a psychologist, an ex-finance consultant and a business owner. I might also be an entrepreneur but that would depend on the definition of entrepreneurship you’ve got.

And now, I am an author.

Each identity inevitably draws certain assumptions about me. It comes with certain characteristics. And I also live by ’them’, ‘play them’ and ‘believe’ them. We all do, in regards to our identities, and that’s fine as long as they serve us well. My own spiritual journey has helped me greatly to shed identities, beliefs and old patterns that didn’t serve me anymore.

I am on my own journey, as you are too. I observe and reflect and grow and expand… as you are too.

I believe that there is great timing in everything. If you landed here and you’re reading this, then there could be something that supports you on your own journey to self-awareness and awakening.

I wish you great luck in your discovery!

And now to the ‘boring’ part of the bio - the mind will still want to know:

A psychologist and a qualified management accountant by education, with an enormous passion for bringing up my family in a conscious and natural way, I set out on a mission to create a movement – to give a free, healthy, happy start to the next generation. My life changed completely when I had my son, Mika, almost 9 years ago. I realised that bringing him up the way I wanted to, would not be possible while juggling a long-hours career in finance in the City. While on maternity leave, I made it my mission to figure out a way to make a living while prioritising my son and his well being. I already knew from my study of development psychology the importance of early years in later life. I created a program on baby feeding and then, after gaining another qualification as a Montessori Practitioner, I opened a Montessori preschool in London. Whilst I was still consulting in finance, gradually I transitioned towards education, conscious parenting and spiritual teaching.