100 Days to a More Aware You.

You don’t find… you create!
You don’t find happiness, you create happiness.
You don’t find a purpose, you decide on a purpose.
You don’t find meaning in your life, you assign meaning to your life.

Remember that you are THE powerful creator and you get to decide.

Start creating now.

Helping you reconnect with your inner wisdom,
bring awareness and presence to your day,
and deepen your connection within.

100 Days to a more aware you.

  • This book comprises 100 beautiful non-curated and intimate images from Didi’s own personal library and 100 thought-provoking and reflective texts, making a 100 Days to a More Aware You, the perfect journaling companion. This beautiful book is meant as a tool for reflection, inspiration, and joy - where you can spend your own 100 days becoming more awake, reflective, and aware of your own powers.

  • • 6.7inches x 7.9inches / 170mm x 200mm

    • 248 pages

    • Made in the UK

  • • Order 10+ products, gets 15% off

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About Didi Tonev

Didi Tonev is a psychologist, parent, extrovert, uplifter, and connector in her community.
Didi has been inspiring her followers through awakening posts on social media, where she encourages her followers to approach life with gentleness, ease, and awakened choices

To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.

- Socrates


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